
Assurance in God's chosen

A 90 year old and barrin Sarah, was chosen to bear Isaac and fulfill the covenant. So crazy she even got a laugh out of the thought, until she had Isaac that is. Joseph was raised from being sold by his own brothers into slavery, false accusation of rape, and prison to become the top official to Pharoh in Egypt. When he would see his brothers again he would weep from brokeness. Moses, so worried about his speech, God had to send Aaron along to speak. He would lead the nation out of Egypt. Rahab, a Cananite prostitute, left her false gods and professed in the Lord helping the spies at Jericho. She would remain faithful to the Lord and marry Salmon and give birth to Boaz. Gideon's army had too many men for the Lord. He did not want them boasting of their strength. 300 men would defeat the Midianites and Amalekites which were so numerous they couldn't be counted. Crazy! Ruth, a Moabitess, the Moab that was at war with Israel and worshipped false gods; showed loyalty and faithfulness to a grieved mother-in-law. She would find the one true Lord in her faithfulness and marry Boaz, the son of Rahab. Boaz and Ruth would give birth to a son Obed, who would have a son Jesse. Jesse was the father of King David. A Cananite prostitute and a widowed Moabite in the geneology of King Jesus. God is truly sovereign! Hannah, childless and ridiculed by rival wife Peninnah cries out to God and promises her child if she conceived, the Lord knew her heart and remembered her. Hannah was faithful and Samuel was born. Hannah's strength and faithfulness is remarkable. The Lord didn't want Jesse's older sons He wanted the kid in the field tending the sheep, who was a man after His own heart. When no soldier would step up to the plate, not even the king himself, that kid David ran to meet Goliath in battle. The woman at the well, with all the failed marriages and living with a man not her husband....Jesus reached out to her. The woman about to be stoned because of adultry...Jesus saved her. In Matthew 9:13 Jesus says ".... I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Jesus know their are no righteous apart from Him. Jesus loved Peter, James, and John dearly even in their weakness as they slept in Gethsemane. Hours before His humiliating death Jesus washed the feet of a man who would doubt Him, one who would deny Him, and one who would betray Him. The Father is drawn to the weak, the unable, the humble. He is in the business of doing what our finite minds would consider impossible. In our times of self doubt and feelings of incompitence there is blessed assurance in who the King has called and will call. I think John the Baptist says best in Matthew 3:30 " He must increase, but I must decrease". When we decrease the Lord will show up.

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